Monday, February 22, 2010
San Antonio weekend
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cake classes
Here is a picture of my latest project. I've started taking the Wilton cake classes at Hobby Lobby on Tuesday's. There are 4 other ladies that I know taking the class with me. It's fun and stressful!! I've never made butter cream icing before or tried to frost a cake with it and it's a JOB to say the least. I'm hanging in there so far. This is my first days homework. I think it turned out pretty good considering I had no plan on the decorating. It should be edible at least!
Things are going well here. It's gotten colder again and rainy today. Gavin is amazing us everyday with new words and actions. I've been trying to teach him to bow his head to pray before the meal and now when I say let's pray he puts his head down and starts mumbling words. Then when we are done he says AMEN! To cute!!

Birte is doing well also. She started soccer this week and has practice everyday after school unless it's a game night. She's also started playing her saxophone with the praise band at Church. Here is a picture of her first performance. So, we are staying very busy these days. Gavin still adores her!
Randy is doing the usual work, work, work. However, the next two weekends we plan to go out of town and so he'll get a little much needed time off. Will update you with our trip details when we return next week. Guess that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well.
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